ADvanced Dental Techniques

Sophisticated . Quality . Techniques


No More Messy Impressions

We utilize state-of-the-art technology in order to deliver a safer, gentle and overall better dental experience for you.

Digital X-Rays

Digital x-rays use an estimated 90 percent less radiation than conventional film x-rays, making them more accurate and more safe.

VELscope Oral Cancer Screening

VELscope is a leading early detection technology that uses a painless blue light to detect
problems in the mouth months or years before it would become visible to the naked eye.


  • Oral cancer comes from the HPV virus
  • Everyone over age 18 is at risk for having oral cancer
  • All patients over the age of 40 are at HIGH risk for oral cancer regardless of lifestyle
    factors (like drinking or smoking)

Intraoral Camera

Intraoral cameras are an advanced technology that allow dentists to use a pen-like camera to
zoom in on small diseased areas, cracks, chips and worn metal fillings with extreme precision.
Full color images are displayed on a computer screen in order to explain and clarify any
treatment needs – you see what we see!

Advanced Dental Technology


  • Soft Tissue Laser
  • Clear Aligners
  • Night Guards
  • Sports Guards
  • Botox Treatments for TMJ