Today I am going to the dentist to get my teeth checked.
We park in a big parking lot.
I will enter my dentist office.
I will talk to a nice lady behind a big desk.
I will sit in the waiting room and wait for my turn with the other kids.
A girl comes to say hello to me. We walk through a door to go to meet the dentist.
We walk down a long hallway. Everyone we meet is so nice here!
I walk into a fun room with more animal pictures on the walls and two TVs-one TV is on the ceiling!

The nice lady talks to us. I get to choose what flavor toothpaste I want!

This is the chair where I will sit. I have to sit in this chair very still so the dentist can count my teeth.
There is a bright light so I will wear sunglasses. I keep my hands on my belly and I will open my mouth like this dragon.
It is easy. The toothbrush tickles my teeth! The toothpaste tastes good! My teeth are so clean!

They use a little tiny mirror like this to help see all of my teeth.

Dr. Kerry comes in to check my teeth and count them!

Everyone is so happy with me. I did it!! I get to take home a little bag with a prize and a new toothbrush!

I did a great job at the dentist and now it is time to leave!